How Boom Barrier and Flap Barrier Ensures Security?

A boom barrier looks like a pole installed to control the access of a pedestrian or a particular vehicle from a certain point. Therefore, it remains in a horizontal position. When the controller provides access, the bar is raised in the vertical position allowing the car or pedestrian to pass. The boom barrier’s purpose is to ensure the safety and security of any specific area, for example, toll gates. 

In addition, boom barriers are installed in high-residential buildings or five-star hotels, which only give entry to the approved person. So, let’s understand why boom barriers are significant.

Importance of boom barriers:

  • It prevents the access of unauthorized person

  • Guards the location 24x7

  • It helps in management and precludes the traffic

  • Boom barrier automates the entry and exit of a vehicle

  • It operates without contact, i.e. boom barriers are driven by technology

  • Today, most boom barriers are manufacturing automatic sensor-controlled devices.

  • They are cost-efficient and secure.

So, Only rely on the advanced tech-driven boom-barrier company for its installation.

Flap barrier

Another device that ensures guaranteed safety and controlled access to the public is a flap barrier. It is an automatic gate for metro stations, airports, and high-tech offices. When an unauthorized person enters through it, the two wings of the flap barrier close automatically and immediately, preventing access. Therefore, passengers must show their access cards in order to get entry. In addition, it only allows entry per person for one minute. Then, the wings are closed again.

Flap barriers are proven to be secure devices for controlling unauthorized access. Thus, the government installs them to secure the surroundings efficiently.

Benefits of a flap barrier:

  • Prevents potential threats by controlling the access of an unauthorized person

  • Reliable and durable because of the solid steel construction

  • Technology-driven and hence, are safe

  • Detects the passenger number and improves the security of the premises

  • Most flap barrier companies install cameras on them as a critical safety feature.

  • Prevents huge queues by streamlining the entry procedure

  • It saves time for both passengers and guards.

  • Flap barriers are cost-efficient.


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