Automatic Boom Barriers: Key Security Device in India

The boom barriers gates offer security as well as a restriction in access to the entry and exit points of the commercial buildings, residential areas, corporate housing, toll plaza, parking, and other areas. The automatic boom barriers are utilized to technically control the pedestrians as well as vehicle traffic. These barriers are utilized to attain reliable security by giving the fewer chances of any lapse to happen. The boom barriers in India are specially designed and are completely suitable for the installation in any kind of atmosphere. The manufacturers of boom barriers now design poles or booms of different sizes as well as the length along with that they provide accessories which can be customized as per the customer needs. The comprehensive range of features of the boom barriers ensures that each category of the installation requirement is met completely.

The boom barriers run on the power and thus all its kinds or models can be functioned and easily handled manually if there is a loss of power. There is not any provision of battery backup in some selected models.

The boom barriers gates in India are specially designed and has inbuilt inductive loops for maintaining the safety while operating systems. The safety circuits are connected with the ground which is located along the road surface. Utilizing the inductive loops results that objective of boom barriers does not get lower suddenly if a vehicle is near to the area of the passage.

The utilization of the boom barriers or automatic sliding gates is rising constantly day by day. The automatic sliding gates manufacturers are getting extreme profit from both offline as well as online business. These innovative automatic gates are manufactured under the supervision of technical professionals so as to cater their high proficiency, cost-effectiveness, and reliability. The gates manufactured by the professionals meet the demand of the customers instantly.


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    Automatic Barrier


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