Three Simple Automatic Security Enhancement

Human are a social living being used to lived in society, they has to meet lots of strangers on daily bases. Insufficient security arrangements can create big trouble for us. We live in a time when people are growing increasingly fearful about their safety in public spaces. As terror attacks across the globe make headlines, citizens are eagerly seeking safety and security when they are in public places.

The major challenges with the security arrangements are they cost huge and they need more human intervention. More human intervention is again come to us in the form of wages.

In this article we are going to describe few of modern security arrangements that works very efficiently, they are automatic so they don’t need more people to manage it.

Road Spike Barrier:

Road spike barrier or tyre killer is used to install on very especial high security zone. They specifically designed to bring a vehicle to the sudden halt, the range rips the tyres apart, at locations where vehicles usually pass at a very high speed, thereby preventing accidents. The range is also incorporated with a set of hollow spikes, which are locked when the barrier is raised and allow safe passage for the vehicles.

Turnstile Gate:

Turnstile gate is common solution to secure the facility is to add a card or biometric reader and electric locks to the door. While a reader and lock requires a valid credential to unlock the door, it cannot control how long the door is open or how many people enter. Unauthorized individuals can follow authorized personnel through the secured door, resulting in a common security issue referred to as tailgating.

Sliding Gate:

Sliding gate is an addition of a gate at the front of commercial and residential property. This is highly advantageous for both security and aesthetic reasons. If you are considering such an installation, it is time to think about what kind of gate would suit your property best.


  1. Automatic Tyre Killer gives a better level of security and also incase of power failure you can control in manually too!


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